09 September 2007

There Is Nothing That Is Against The Law of Attraction

Yesterday, I talked about the hardest book to read, The Power of Now. Today, I will talk about the easiest book to read. And good thing. I was starting to think that these books would take so much time and energy, that I would have none left for the "game".

Law of Attraction by Michael J. Losier was picked up at 10:30am and finished by 2pm. I think my brain was hungry. Or, there was a motive to finish it quickly. As per Losier's request, the tools presented in this book are to be done at the conclusion of reading the entire book. So I basically tore through the book almost literally. Now that I have finished it, I will be documenting my "homework" here for all 2 of you watching...Um...I mean, I have more visitors to this blog than I can count.)

Law of Attraction is The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't. In a very precise manner, Losier teaches the basics of The Law of Attraction. But Losier takes it a few steps further in that he offers techniques to use for even the most stubborn of minds (mine). These techniques involve rephrasing affirmations, so that you actually believe them. You see, a lot of people "go through the motions" while repeating their affirmations over and over, without the belief behind it. Things will not manifest for them, because the energy put out was negative. So, Losier has come up with a few tricks to "trick" the mind and to make phrases that do work. These cool tricks have actually worked for me and I will be demonstrating them soon.

Losier also talks about how there are only 2 ways your vibration can be. Positive or Negative. If you are thinking about something, and the feelings associated with that thought are negative, your vibration is in a negative state, and you will attract negative things. Even if the thought is good, but you just don't believe it. For example, try saying, "I am a money magnet", over and over again, but not believing it's true. Your disbelief is turned into a negative vibration, and you know what happens then. So, bottom line is, you really have to feel and believe the things you are saying, are real and tangible. If not, like James Ray in the movie The Secret says, "You're wish is my command."

This book is very straightforward and does not take a lot of effort to chew through. The lessons and "worksheets" are offered at Losier's website, which makes this a complete package. I have already downloaded and printed out the "worksheets" and I am ready to rumble. I have already filled out some of these sheets and i'll be posting real results soon.

Thanks to everyone reading this, all 2 of you...ok I'll stop saying that.

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