20 September 2007

The SGR Club Is Introduced! I Still Have Fireworks In My Livingroom.

Well, I already broke my first post promise that I would write everyday. OK, I got that out of the way. Now for some major stuff.

Bob Proctor introduced The SGR Club today at 4:00pm Pacific. For those of you in the know, that's really exciting news. And the cool thing is, the percentage of those who know, increases everyday. In fact, since the movie The Secret came out last year, the whole World is now buzzing from this not-so-new-but-new-to-us way of thinking, feeling and in turn, living.

For those of you who do not know what I am talking about here, then first off, see or read The Secret, and then we'll discuss The SGR Club at length. But, if you are down with The Secret, then The SGR Club would be the next step. It is a rather large step too. SGR stands for The Science of Getting Rich. I can't wait to get it myself.

That's right. I do not actually own this SGR Program yet. But, that is changing very soon. By October 10, and my birthday, I will be a proud owner of this briefcase.

You might be wondering how I am able to sell something that I have not personally seen. Well, I am still learning, but I can safely say that I am probably making it harder on myself by not actually owning the briefcase yet. But, my initial thought when signing up as a Premium Affiliate, was to sell it until I had the dough to buy it. I watched The Secret over and over again, trying to unleash some extra hidden gems that might have been overlooked. I was looking extra hard at things I already know, in hopes that I could find something that I could use to gain knowledge of something I did not have yet.

I then realized after several days of this, I might be working too hard on the "hows" and not enough about the "nows". I really have to thank Eckhart Tolle for this. In his book The Power of Now, he taught me to "watch the thinker". I watched myself long enough to realize that a shift needed to happen. It might have taken me a few days, but I did it.

After shifting into the right direction, I started attracting the things I needed. I met a guy by the name of Brian Wong. He has a website by the name of Brian Wong's SGR Affiliate Bootcamp. This website is the most thorough, precise, hands-on and team oriented training system I have seen for ANY affiliate business. It practically holds your hand and walks you through everything you need to do to be successful selling The SGR Program. I am studying that site from front to back. Good stuff, Brian.

I have gotten back into my art and photography and many other things that I am interested in. I have found some things that I enjoy doing, and I am going with my feelings. I like writing again, as you can see by the size of this post. I had gone back to the basics of what The Secret is about. It's not in what you are doing, it's how you are doing it. I am starting to do things differently. With more intention.

So, with this relaunching of The SGR Program, I feel hope and a real fire within. I feel closer to my dreams right now, than I ever have before.

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